For PhD Supervisors
Being an active supervisor for a PhD funded by SDC, you not only add value to the collaboration within the frames of SDC but also to the Danish and Chinese societies via research, innovation, and education. It is therefore expected that you to maintain a close collaboration with both your Chinese supervisor colleague and the PhD student during throughout the PhD project.
Supervision for an SDC PhD student falls into two categories; main supervisor for a PhD employed at a Danish university or co-supervisor for a Chinese PhD student employed at a Chinese university. In both cases the PhD programme is a double degree programme but it is optional for a PhD employed at Danish university to pursue a degree.
Main Supervisor
If a PhD student chooses to pursue a double degree, UCAS’ requirements must be taken into consideration once the PhD plan is drafted. The requirements are accessible via UCAS’ degree website for international students. All Danish PhD Schools require a written double degree agreement for both Chinese PhD students and PhD students employed at a Danish university
It is expected that the co-supervisor plays as an active role during the Chinese PhDs entire employment period and also helps with the provision of workstations, various accesses (library, intranet etc.) during the Chinese PhD’s stay in Denmark. SDC will via the Chinese PhD student obtain knowledge of your role as co-supervisor and contact you.
Your department will be compensated for your active involvement as co-supervisor. For more information, please visit SDC’s website.
Any questions regarding the content of the PhD programme set forth by UCAS is a matter for Yiwei Wang. Questions regarding the content of the PhD set forth by the Danish universities must be addressed to the PhD administrator at the relevant PhD School. Questions in general about SDC’s involvement and other matters can always be addressed to Kristian Vork Jensen.
The SDC PhD Framework
A PhD project co-funded by SDC is a potential double degree programme meaning that a PhD student can choose to pursue a degree from UCAS along with the degree from the Danish university concerned. In any case, a PhD project is required to have a Danish main supervisor and a Chinese co-supervisor appointed. An updated list of approved Chinese PhD co-supervisors for each research area is accessible via UCAS' website.
Besides from the conditions specified above there are additional general conditions set forth by the Danish SDC Office. The general conditions serve as the guiding principles for the co-funding of a PhD-project from the Danish side of SDC. The general conditions may change hence the grant year is decisive for which edition of the general conditions a PhD project falls under.
If general conditions from before 2021 are needed, please contact Annette Andersen.
General conditions for PhD co-funding, the Danish SDC office_2024
General conditions for PhD co-funding, the Danish SDC office_2023_NEW
General conditions for PhD co-funding, the Danish SDC office_2023
General conditions for PhD co-funding, the Danish SDC office_2022
General conditions for PhD co-funding, the Danish SDC office_2021
The SDC PhD project approval form is the prerequisite for a PhD-project co-funded by SDC and is to be filled out by the relevant Principal Coordinator (PC) in cooperation with the main supervisor.
SDC PhD project approval form – template
For allocation of SDC PhD funds among the research areas (overall) and the principles for how the PhD funding is distributed see the document below.