
New China Index takes the temperature of Danish Businesses

24 February 2021

More than 70 Danish companies provided data to the new quarterly Danish Business Outlook on China (DBOC) index, which shows that Danish companies overall find that the short-term outlook for activities in China has improved compared to three months ago. This outlook covers all activity areas and sectors, but a positive outlook is particularly evident among larger companies, among respondents based in China and with regards to the view on China as a market.

The survey, which consists of a number of short questions, was sent to business leaders of the Danish Chamber of Commerce in China (DCCC) and Danish-Chinese Business Forum (DCBF) members for the first time in January 2021.

The DBOC Index monitors and captures insights into the current business environment in China and how Danish companies are affected by the ongoing developments. The DBOC index was initiated with the desire to create an easily comparable result, which can be tracked on a quarterly basis to display the overall trends of Danish companies in China.

A broad collaboration between Danish institutions in China

The Index was initiated by the Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing, DCCC, DCBF and SDC.

The DBOC index is the result of a great collaboration between members of the Danish business community in China and several institutions with hands-on knowledge of China. The index provides an interesting and useful understanding of how Danish businesses in China look to the future and it will only get more interesting when we can start to see developments over time’, says Director of SDC Morten Laugesen.

The index questionnaire has its outset in the larger survey that was developed last year with input from business executives in the Danish Ambassador's China Business Advisory Group. Learn more about the group here.

SDC’s involvement, which is spearheaded by Associate Professor Dmitrij Slepniov, includes contributing to developing and securing the quality of the questionnaire and analysis of the results.

Find the quarterly Index here.

The next index will be available in September 2021.