SDC International Report 2020
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1. Introduction and background
2. Sino-Danish cooperation in the energy transition
3. Energy scenarios and policies
4. Mapping wind resources and extreme wind: Technical and social aspects
5. Smart energy systems in China and Denmark
6. Power electronics-based large-scale integration of renewables in power grids
8. District heating for China’s energy transition: Lessons from Sino-Danish collaboration
9. Digitalisation for energy efficiency and flexibility
10. Catching up through green windows of opportunity
11. Sustainability-driven innovation in China: The case of Windoor
12. Energy transitions in urban China: Drivers, developments and challenges
14. Financing the global low-carbon energy transition: China’s dual role domestically and overseas
15. Small hydropower sustainability evaluation for the Belt and Road Initiative

JMC Annual Report
The Joint Managerial Committee (JMC) is the supreme decision making body of SDC and responsible for SDC's long-term development.
The Danish Business Outlook on China Index
The Danish Business Outlook on China Index monitors and captures insights into the current business environment in China and how Danish companies are affected by the ongoing developments.