The first SDC graduates are ready to meet the world
Nine universities, two countries and a group of adventurous and ambitious students. The first graduation ceremony has been held at Sino-Danish Center in Beijing. So far 32 SDC students have handed in their master’s thesis and more will come during the next couple of months
For most of the Danes the graduation marks the ending of a two-year adventure in China. In 2012 they all decided to leave behind the well-known Danish study environment to start a life as the first students at Sino-Danish Center in Beijing.
The benefits of studying abroad
One of them is Tanja Krawack. She studied Public Management & Social Development and has just defended her thesis.
"It is a bit more frightening to leave behind everything familiar and comforting for two years compared to going abroad for a semester, but it is also much more exciting. You get to know the culture better and you actually have the opportunity to make new friends and network before you have to leave again," she says.
Now Tanja Krawack is back in Denmark but for how long time, she does not know. She applies for jobs in Copenhagen, Beijing and Shanghai. Her dream job is to create green and sustainable solutions for companies operating in China. She has already got some experience as she has completed an internship in a Chinese company during her studies.
The Public Management & Social Development programme is inquiring into issues as the interaction between public and private sector, and that is the main reason why Tanja Krawack decided to study in China. She was already fascinated by China before and the interest has only become greater.

"You can make a greater difference in China. If you create a solution to cut carbon dioxide emissions in Denmark you are likely only able to cause relatively small improvements. In China you might be able to create solutions that can cut carbon dioxide emissions in half," she explains.
Graduation speeches
During the ceremony speeches were given by vice-President of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) Wu Yueliang, Executive Director Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen, Chairman of the Danish SDC board Brian Bech Nielsen, teacher and students.