SDC Researchers Behind Special Issue of the Oxford Journal
Which role is China’s breakthrough within renewable energy – from production to innovation – playing in the global technology markets?
This is the topic of a special issue of the Oxford Journal Industrial and Corporate Change. Rasmus Lema, Associate Professor at Aalborg University, is leading the research together with Roberta Rabellotti, Aalborg University, and Fu Xiaolan, the University of Oxford,
with contributions from professors and PhD students from UCAS, Tsinghua University, Aalborg University, the Copenhagen Business School and the Technical University of Denmark.
‘The publication shows exactly what SDC can do. It brings researchers together through joint fieldwork, analysis and authoring. The bulk of the contributions are co-authored by Chinese and Danish researchers’, says Rasmus Lema.
Green Windows of Opportunities
The research examines the ‘windows of opportunities’ that emerge when disruptions in an industry create favourable opportunities for ‘newcomers’.
‘Green windows of opportunities emerge in sectors dealing with climate change and create new demands for sustainable energy and technological solutions. This gives companies in countries like China a chance to enter new markets’, Rasmus Lema explains.
According to Rasmus Lema, China has successfully exploited the new conditions that have emerged with the climate change agenda:
‘We have looked into several outcomes from this. For example, China has reduced the price of solar panels over the last 10 years. It has affected the competitiveness of European companies, but at the same time it has meant that countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have had the opportunity to deploy solar energy’.
The special issue of Industrial and Corporate Change will be published July 2020.