Marie-Louise interns at Arla Foods
Public Management and Social Development student Marie-Louise Halmø has studied a Professional Bachelor’s Degree in Communication at the Danish School of Media and Journalism and is currently interning as a Public Relations intern at Arla Foods amba in Beijing.
Why did you want to intern at Arla?
The fact that I have a communication background makes me a bit different from my classmates of whom many have studied some kind of political science. So, I looked for marketing positions and I knew I wanted to intern at a Danish company that would give me useful experience for when I go home.
I decided to contact Arla, because I come from Aarhus and I know them very well. Going there would give me a unique opportunity to get some work experience in a giant global company with a Danish aspect to it too.
How did you get the position?
I took the initiative and reached out to them via e-mail. I forwarded my resume and a motivated letter, so they could judge whether my abilities lived up to what they wanted in an intern. Luckily, they did. The exciting part of the position was that they needed someone who could help them with their PR strategy, so it was definitely the strategic element that excited me.
What do you do there?
My tasks are very diverse. I basically do everything related to public relations, because we are a small team with just my boss and I. Currently, I am trying to figure out how we can use PR to support Arla’s brands for new product launches and coming up with a strategy for it. I also support trade fairs with marketing material, write newsletters and create internal presentations.

What do you learn from your internship?
I have been a part of a fast-paced environment where I have learned a lot about project management and cross-cultural communication. I find practical working experience very valuable during my studies as it prepares me for when I join the labour market. I want my experience in China to give me a unique profile and the ability to contribute with something different than the fresh graduates in Denmark.
On a personal level, I am learning much more than I could ever have imagined, because I am in unknown territory all of the time. It is just as hard as it is exciting, so I have definitely gotten to know myself a lot better. My strengths and weaknesses.
What are your plans for the future?
After the internship, I am planning to cooperate with Arla on my Master’s thesis. And after that I hope to stay in China either for work or to study Chinese, so I can get a deeper cultural understanding and to keep on challenging myself.