Welcome to the 2022 cohort of SDC students
The 2022 cohort just gathered in Middelfart for a two-day seminar – a preparation for their new lives as SDC students.
They got introduced further to their study programmes, met their fellow students, and got introduced to Chinese youth culture. Staff from SDC’s pedagogical unit joined the seminar with presentations and group exercises to prepare the students for studying in an international classroom.
We asked a couple of the new students why they had chosen an SDC programme.

Frederik Kinch Palvig
SDC programme: Public Management and Social Development
Frederik holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business, Asian Language and Culture from CBS
‘I see this as an opportunity to practise what I have been studying during my Asian studies. It is a great chance to get deeper into the political and economic aspects. I am particularly looking forward to the course where we will compare social policies and look at the welfare states in theory and practice. Also, the course where we will compare societies and economic systems sounds exciting. All in all, the academic content appealed to me, but the absolute most unique about SDC is the way the academic aspect is combined with the social aspect. We must learn how to interact with the Chinese system, society, students, and teachers. That is really exciting, and I have not been able to find similar at other universities.’

Kim Minh Huynh
SDC programme: Neuroscience and Neuroimaging
Kim holds a Bachelor of Engineering – Electronics from Aarhus University
‘After I graduated with a Bachelor in Engineering I found out that the obvious job positions did not appeal to me. I have always had a passion for medicine, the human body and the whole aspect of working to help other people. Therefore, I began to look for a Master’s degree that could take me in a new direction. When I heard about the neuro programme, the whole China aspect acted as a catalyst for my decision. In addition to the academic content, I was drawn by the opportunity to tap into an international network, get out of my comfort zone and get challenged.’