
Flemming Besenbacher visits SDC

12 November 2019

Chairman of the Carlsberg Group, Professor Flemming Besenbacher has been one of the driving forces behind SDC, and recently he went to the Yanqihu campus to get an insight in the latest development of the partnership.

Flemming Besenbacher was welcomed by Dean of Sino-Danish College Zhao Hong and met with Danish and Chinese staff. Director of Admission Affairs Yin Youwei introduced him to the recent educational achievements, graduate employment, the quality assurance system end the future plans of SDC.

As former Principal Coordinator for the Nanoscience research theme Flemming Besenbacher pays close attention to the scientific collaborations within the framework of SDC. The latest research theme within Food and Health was just one of the topics that were discussed.

From left to right: Director of Admission Affairs Yin Youwei, Professor Flemming Besenbacher, Dean of Sino-Danish College Zhao Hong and Event and Relations Coordinator Thomas Lykke Pedersen. 
Photo: Peng Yuru
Flemming Besenbacher visits SDC.
Photo: Peng Yuru

Flemming Besenbacher

Flemming Besenbacher was the founding director of the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Aarhus University, from 2002 to 2012.

He is elected as foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and honorary doctor at 16 Chinese universities.

Flemming Besenbacher has received several distinctions in Denmark and abroad for his research, for instance “The Chinese Government Highest International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award” of the People’s Republic of China.

Flemming Besenbacher visits SDC.
Photo: Peng Yuru